Osteopathic support if you want to have children (also during fertility treatment with the gynecologist)
Support during pregnancy (e.g. heartburn, loosening of the symphysis, pelvic and back pain, varicose veins, posture problems, carpal tunnel syndrome)
Postpartum (e.g. after cesarean section, bladder prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, diastasis rectus)
Infant treatment (e.g. preferred head position, skull asymmetry, breastfeeding problems, reflux, colic)​
Hormonally-related disorders (e.g. irregular cycle, menopausal symptoms, after stopping the pill)
Jaw joint problems, grinding, CMD
Migraines, tension headaches
Spinal and intervertebral disc problems
Joint and muscle problems (e.g. rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, overload, tension)​